Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Brett Favre Please Just Retire

Brett Favre has done it again...No, not thrown another TD pass or interception. No, not scrambling around the field, avoiding tacklers, and firing a ball to a receiver for a first down. No, what I'm talking about is Favre has reportedly, according to good old text messaging to his Minnesota Viking teammates of last year, said that he is going to retire...for the THIRD time. No other sport, besides maybe boxing, has seen a single athlete announce he's retiring and then coming back, more often than Favre. He is either a guy who cannot stick with a decision, or he just likes the attention he brings to himself around this time every year.

It's obvious that he doesn't want to be part of training camp. A veteran like he is, doesn't need a long training camp and I can understand that. What I don't like is the fact that he holds his team hostage every year by not making a decision until the last minute. Just last year, on July 28, Favre said he was retiring only to comeback in late August. Granted he had probably the best year of his 19-year NFL career, but the way he goes about things is not fair to the team he is playing on and their fans.

I have nothing but respect for what Favre has done on the field. He has established himself as the most prolific passer in the history of the National Football League. His passion for the game is evident just by watching him play. He is a Hall of Famer. What he also seems to be is a guy who is either so oblivious to the effects of his decision on others or is so arrogant that he expects teams to wait around for him or wants them to come crawling to him and get on their hands and knees and beg him to comeback. It's sickening to me. What's even worse, ESPN is doing a special dedicated to his retirement...again. I truly think most of ESPN's talent is synical about if this is truly the end of his career. ESPN's brass, however, are airing a special knowing it will draw ratings, whether you hate Favre or not, people are watching. Just like when they aired Lebron James self-indulging special, "The Decision", last month.

I think Favre has tainted his Hall of Fame career by the way he has handled his off seasons. I think it's a shame that what he may be known for most, especially if he decides to comeback again this year, is waffling on retiring, instead of all the records he's set and the way he played the game on the field. I truly hope this retirement is the final chapter to a storied career. I suspect he will be back again at the end of August, further tarnishing a great career.